The Future is Now

During the childhood days of most people, the future is often depicted in cartoon shows as highly technological and advanced. This is very clearly depicted in The Jetsons. In a more recent cartoon show, Futurama, the future can also be seen with lots of technologies and the depiction of the advancement of society went as far as robots being a normal part of the society.

Unfortunately, one of the things that these futuristic shows fail to emphasize is the cost of these technological advancements. These aren’t just about monetary cost. The advance of technology usually entails the degradation of the environment. It also entails the thinning of the ozone layer which would then lead to climate change.

With the world currently strolling through the Digital Age, technological advancement will surely continue although this comes parallelly with jeopardizing the environment.

The Participation of the United Nations

The United Nations crafted 17 goals in order to address global issues. These goals are referred to as the Sustainable Development Goals. In relation to the issues on environmental degradation and climate change, these can be seen in several goals such as in Goal 7, Goal 11, Goal 13, Goal 14, Goal 15, etc. 

The Sustainable Development Goals were described by the United Nations as the “blueprint” to attain a sustainable future. With this, countries have been working together to meet the target objectives before the deadline in 2030.

How to Take Part in Creating a Sustainable Future
Private companies have also been working in order to attain a sustainable future. In Hong Kong, Metanoia-Eco has been aiming to transform schools and communities in a sustainable environment. By teaming up with companies such as Metanoia-Eco, the world is slowly moving closer to the goal of having a bright sustainable future for all living things living on the Earth.
