More and more schools are embracing the sustainable approach to the education system, and for good reason. Climate change can no longer be denied, and it’s the younger generations who will suffer from its adverse effects if we don’t act now.

As a way to protect the future of our generation and the planet, joining environmentally friendly schools in their initiative can start with the following:

Maximizing the future impact of present practices

Starting today is the best way to effect good change. The longer you delay the implementation of green practices, the longer you are contributing to the destruction of the planet. Don’t worry about the effects of your effort in a single day. Remember, the longer you do it, and the more people who get involved, the bigger the impact.

Compounding the value of education

Related to the impact of your present practices, it’s important that you’re teaching students the right practices. Whatever they learn can be taught to other people within their social circle, even if not in the same way. It’s more impactful if you teach them the concepts behind the green changes you’ve made, so that they can take this concept and apply it in their own way. For example, if you teach them that using single-use plastic results in massive plastic pollution and even clogs waterways, they will know that this applies to all single-use plastics. This has a better impact rather than just telling them to stop using plastics.

The importance of innovation

There is no single solution to end climate change, but there are several practices you can encourage children to do. They might even come up with new solutions, if you allow them to innovate and stay curious. These are the future leaders of our governments; if you nurture the right mindset in them, they will grow up to change the world for the better.

We have severely depleted resources, and it’s high time to start thinking about the future. But while you’re doing that, remember that it’s also important to act now.